Friday, December 24, 2010

It's Christmas Eve!

It's finally here!  Christmas eve and I know that I am going to have 3 kid's bouncing off the walls, anxious to open gifts and get moving on this holiday season.  This year we took a step back and really laid off of all the "social" thinking of Christmas.  We have really focused on the true meaning of Christmas this year and scaled back on the "stuff".  I don't think the kid's will be to disappointed, they still got a horse after all!  The horse was a joint family gift though, we pooled all the money we got from g-parents and purchased the horse.  He was meant to be a part of this family.  So not including the horse there isn't much for toys under the tree.  I am praying and crossing my fingers that they won't really notice.  We did start a new family tradition which is making gifts for each other.  It has been so much fun!  The kid's have had fun creating for each other and I have had a lot of fun knitting and thinking of things to make for them.  It has really been a fun and exciting time of year. 
So today, on Christmas Eve I am going to try and whip out three more little gifts.  I will post the patterns and yarn later.  I am still deciding just exactly what it is I am going to make.  I am hoping I have time for it since I do have a pan of caramel rolls to make, a cheesecake, loaves of bread and cheesecake bites...oh and chilly too!  Not to mention my oldest and I still have hair bows to make for her younger sister.  This could be an interesting day!!

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